

rose-white-and-pink3Hebrews 12:1, “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us”

2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”

Long-distance runners know the importance of a strong finish. They know that many races are won or lost in the final steps. Uzziah made a splendid start when he became king at age 16. Through his faithfulness to God, he restored his nation to honor and glory. Then he became proud and believed that the rules no longer applied to him. Uzziah entered the temple to burn incense a privilege restricted to the priests. Even when confronted about his sin, he arrogantly refused to listen until leprosy broke out on his forehead. God had gotten his attention.

Uzziah stumbled before the finish line. He was disqualified. Instead of a record of great victories, he left his throne in disgrace. King Uzziah doesn’t stand alone in history. Many men and women who once walked humbly with God became proud and walk away from Him. They persisted in disobedience and refused to hear the voice of God or the rebuke of friends. The way they finish spoiled their race. Maybe, you have wandered off course in your journey with the Lord Jesus; or maybe you feel overwhelmed by the challenges of living for Christ especially during the times in which we are now living?

If so, you’re not alone because even the apostle Paul felt that way. In 2 Corinthians 1:8, he honestly admitted that the troubles he and Timothy endured in Asia had taxed them beyond measure, and they feared for their lives. However, Paul said they learned this lesson, “We should not trust in ourselves but in God” (v. 9). Once again in Philippians 3:12-14, Paul wrote honestly about his Christian walk, admitting that he hadn’t attained perfection, “I press toward the goal for the prize.” He identified this lifelong pilgrimage as “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

There will be times when you’ll be discouraged in your Christian walk and will want to give up and throw in the towel. You must never, never give up. What’s required is determined endurance, keeping at the task of obedience through the ebbs and flows, ups and downs, victories and losses in life? It is trying again, while knowing that God is working in you to accomplish His purposes (Philippians 1:6; 2:13). It is persistently pursuing God’s will for your life till you stand before Him and your work is done. God is wonderfully persistent also, because He will never give up on you!

Further thoughts:

I read a humorous story about a bloodhound. He started chasing a deer but a fox crossed his path, so he started chasing the fox, instead. After a while, a rabbit crossed his path, so the hound chased the rabbit. Yet later, a mouse crossed his path and the hound chased the mouse into a hole. The hound, which had begun his hunt on the trail of a magnificent deer, ended up watching a mouse hole!

Most of us will laugh at the blood-hound. But if we stop and think, we’ll realize that often we too are easily distracted from following Christ. It is so easy to start well but then run after things that cross our paths. We need to take to heart the words of the apostle Paul. He told Timothy to focus on the purpose of his life and ministry (2 Timothy 1:6-13; 2:1-2, 22-26; 3:14-17). He urged him to tell others about Christ and to warn them not to turn aside (2 Timothy 4:1-5).

The values of this world can easily influence us, tempting us to despise “sound doctrine” and accept what is false (2 Timothy 4:3-4). So we need to know and proclaim God’s Word, persevere through hardships, and keep the faith and finish well. Yes, with God’s help, we can keep our eyes on Christ, stay close to Him, and finish well.


(1) So, how are you doing in your lifelong journey?
(2) Are you on course or in danger of being shipwreck?

We can end our lifelong Christian journey well, even if we began late, started slow, or falter along the way. So, wherever you are on your journey, purpose in your heart to live in faith and holiness, staying on course until you are safely home. The secret is to stay true to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, our Redeemer, until our very last breath.

You can’t turn your back on Christ if you keep your eyes on Him.