– About His Eternal Word –


Welcome to “His Eternal Word”. To introduce myself to you, my name is Michael; a husband to my wife of 55 years, a father of 2 grown sons, a grandfather of 3 adorable grand-daughters’ and a precious grand-son. I’m a retired Chief Legalman (LNC), U. S. Navy, with over 20 years of Honorable service to my Country,  but more importantly, a servant and ambassador for Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

The Bible, God’s Eternal Word, is a locked book for those who don’t know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. This certainly was true of me, prior to being born again in the early morning hours of January 1, 1973, when I finally came to terms with my sinful nature, and realized for the first time, if I were to die, I would spend an eternity in hell, separated forever from God. I ask forgiveness (or repented) of my sins and became “born again”, when I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and take control of my life. At that very moment, a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders. I was now a member of God’s family, and for the first time the Scriptures were opened and I could understand how they applied to my life because now the Holy Spirit resided within me.

To believe such an occurrence can happen a person must have faith and belief in God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, and that by and through Him, all things exist. Secondly, you must believe the Scriptures are the inspired and authoritative Word of God. Hebrews 11:6 tell us that “without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” The opening verses of the Bible concisely tell us how the world was created, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” In the first and second chapters of Genesis, the Scriptures state emphatically how man was created.

The Bible speaks for itself regarding its origin, value to the men and women of God, and purpose as stated in John 1:1-2, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God”; and in 1 John 1:1, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life”.

The Bible while sometimes speaking of earthly things and human experiences, also describes with clarity and authority areas of heaven and earth, things seen and unseen; revealing facts about God, angels, men, time and eternity, life and death; of sin and salvation, of heaven and hell. Man could not have written such a book if he chose to write it, and even if he could, he would not chose to write it, apart from the divine direction and guidance of God, and the Holy Spirit.

An illustration of the meaning “to be born again” is found in the Epistle of John (Chapter 3). A Pharisee named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, and a very learned man asked this question of Jesus. Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Nonetheless, even Nicodemus who was a brilliant scholar of the Jewish law said unto Jesus, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?” Jesus answered Nicodemus thusly, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus was talking about physical birth, however, Jesus was talking to Nicodemus about a spiritual birth.

My beloved, we all need to be reborn because we are spiritually dead. Our sin has separated us from a life-giving relationship with God. We all have sinned by violating His perfect moral standards (Romans 3:23), and so we all are guilty and deserving of God’s judgment (John 3:18-21). What every person needs is the forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus made possible through His sinless life, His sacrificial death on the cross, and His resurrection. Spiritual rebirth occurs when a person exercises genuine trust in Christ as Savior and Lord. At that point a person experiences God’s forgiveness and a radical transformation occurs at the very core of his/her being (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Have you had a second birthday (spiritual birth), the one that Jesus was talking to Nicodemus about? If not, you can by receiving Christ as your Savior.

The purpose of creating this Blog is to present God’s “Eternal Truth” through devotionals, Bible studies, old hymns that speak so succinctly about God our Creator, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, in His flawless and unchanging Word. The Scriptures, God’s breathed Word, clearly tell us in John 10:35 that they cannot be broken and Psalm 119:89 emphasizes that fact, “Forever, O LORD, Your Word is settled in heaven.”

The teachings recorded within God’s Eternal Word, including the priceless words of Jesus Christ are indestructible, timeless, trans-cultural, has much meaning and purpose especially for today, because it gives much-needed guidance and instruction to all people of all Nations. The Bible is the only book for life’s big questions:

(1) Who am I?
(2) Why am I here?
(3) Is there a God?
(4) Does life have any meaning or purpose?
(5) Is there life after death?

For that knowledge, we desperately need the Bible and always will. Yes, it may be an old book; however, it’s still the best book and will always continue to be, because it’s a gift to us from God our Creator, who used human writers and through these men, God’s complete thought toward man was revealed and recorded without error.

Although these men may not have understood all that they were writing, nevertheless, under the guiding and meticulous hand of God, they produced the 66 Books that form the entire Bible, where there is concise unity and continuous evidence of the working of the Holy Spirit in directing what was written. Accordingly, the Bible, though written by men, is a message from God with the authority, certainty, and assurance that only God can give.

This Blog is to lift up and glorify God, our Creator, His Son Jesus Christ, and the salvation He freely offers, to anyone who accepts the gift of eternal life through His (Christ) shed blood (John 3:16-17). It would be my heart-felt desire, that through the writings of this blog, it would be a time to reflect on God’s “Eternal Word”, and especially how it applies to your own life. You will find the following categories at the top of the blog or to the left from the (Select Category) drop-down menu:

(1) Are You Heaven Bound (regarding Salvation);
(2) Bible Studies and Devotionals;
(3) Hymns and thought provoking Short Stories;
(4) Poetry.
(5) Food for Thought; and
(6) Laughter the Best Medicine (drop down menu only)

As you read these writings, it would be my sincere desire that you will find encouragement, comfort, inspiration and conviction, as the Holy Spirit speaks to your own heart. God’s “Eternal Word” still changes lives today and gives encouragement, hope, comfort and courage to those who have put their faith and trust in the living and risen Christ. The question is, “Have you accepted as truth what the Bible says about His (Jesus Christ) life, death, and resurrection?”

A very popular idea today, according to opinion polls, is that good people go to heaven, and a majority of those polled see their own chances of going there to be pretty good. However, most people base their expectation of heaven on their performance in this life, irrespective of their relationship to Jesus Christ, God’s Spotless Lamb for our salvation. Scripture clearly tells us a day is coming when evil will be punished and virtue rewarded.

The Eternal Word of God is unequivocal, “Nothing impure will ever enter it (Heaven), nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lambs’ Book of Life” (Revelation 21:27). A living faith in Jesus Christ, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29), is the only condition for having your name written in God’s Book of Life. It’s your own decision to accept Jesus Christ as Savior because no one can do it for you! You must recognize your need of forgiveness because of your sinfulness and put your faith and trust in the risen Christ as your Redeemer, Savior and Lord.

When we were children, many of us had frustrated parents who asked us if we had really heard their reminder to finish an unwanted chore. We may have claimed to have heard, but our attitude and actions said otherwise. As you think about your own response to the gospel, have you heard it? If so, how have you responded to it? It’s easy to put off making a decision. And this becomes an even greater tendency when eternal consequences are at stake. But God wants us to make a decision about His Son. Are you on your way to heaven? Are you sure? As you think about your answers to these questions, consider the following categories:

(1) Sure but not secure. Some people believe that they have confirmed reservations in heaven because they expect God to accept them on the basis of their own good efforts. However, Jesus indicated that God accepts only those who admit they do not deserve His favor (Luke 18:9-14).

(2) Secure but not sure. Such a person has trusted Christ as Savior and is held firmly in the protective hand of God (John 10:27-29). But when failure occurs and guilt comes in like a flood, or when mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion set in, you become confused by feelings.

(3) Sure and secure. This person has accepted Christ as his/her Savior, has continued to walk in this new relationship, and enjoys the confirming evidence that signals the reality of new birth. This evidence is described in 1 John as:

(a) Belief in Christ’s saving work (4:9-10; 5:1).
(b) Confidence in the Word of God (2:4; 5:13).
(c) A new way of life (2:3-6).
(d) The awareness of the Spirit (4:13; 5:10).
(e) A love for other Christians (3:14).

The gospel is a simple but heart-penetrating truth. I sincerely trust that you are both sure and secure in Jesus Christ for your salvation. If not, I would urge you to make sure you have taken the first step. Recognize that there is nothing you can do to escape the penalty of your own sin – except to throw yourself on the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, His death for your sins, and His saving life.

A person who claims to believe in God and not in His Son Jesus Christ is a contradiction because in John 10:30, “Jesus clearly describes the unique relationship between Himself and God: I and the father are one, thus establishing His deity. That is why He could say, “You believe in God; believe also in me” (John 14:1). My beloved that is why we need not shy away from the name Jesus, for “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

Please trust Jesus Christ today for what you could never do for yourself, and then rely totally on God’s promises (John 3:16; 6:37; 10:27-30; Romans 6:23; 8:28-39). If you haven’t, please open up your Bible and read with a receptive heart the Gospel of John. John 1:12 says, “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

It would be my most sincere and heartfelt desire that this Blog will truly be a blessing to your heart, mind and soul in the days and months that lay ahead! I want to personally thank you for visiting “His Eternal Word”, and if you like what you have read, you’re most welcomed to come back any time and please invite your friends to come also.

His servant – Mikey

29 thoughts on “– About His Eternal Word –”

  1. Thanks for following my blog! Happy blogging!


  2. dbhoskin2365 said:

    Great blog, Mikey.
    YBIC – Barry


  3. Thanks for taking time to leave such a great comment on my blog article yesterday!


  4. What a beautiful blog. Love the colors…and especially the content!

    In Christ,
    Praise Jesus!


  5. jabez7540 said:

    I hope the Lord gives you much fruit here.


  6. Five Quick Minutes said:

    Excellent post! You might be interested in our other blog at:

    “steppingstonestochrist.wordpress.com.” It is written for the Church of Christ and has a variety of offerings to read.

    Thank you for visiting and continue on with your positive, spiritual message!



  7. Thanks for your blog; it is very good. I am now following your blog; please consider following mine. John 17:3 EB@ETS


  8. It is always a blessing to find a new blog that focuses on God’s Word rather than man’s.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


    • Thank you for stopping by and reading “About His Eternal Word”. I trust you will continue to be a blessing and encouragement in your writings, as you proclaim the Gospel message of Salvation in the person of Jesus Christ.

      Blessings to you and family … Mikey


  9. Hi Mikey!

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! I hope you will accept it, and pay it forward to other deserving blogs. Please visit the page below to read the details. Thank you for the work that you do!

    Liebster Blog Award


    • I am very honored and thankful to Mary for nominating me to The Liebster Blog Award and for her encouraging words. However, I must decline this award and any other future awards that I might be nominated for, as that wasn’t the purpose and intent of my blog.

      The purpose is to bring praise, honor and glory to God, His Son Jesus Christ and to present the eternal truth of God’s precious and flawless Word to those that He guides to my blog and other blogs within the blogging community.

      Just being a member of such a wonderful blogging community this past year or so is and will continue to be award enough for me. I appreciate so much those individuals who have commented on my blog and especially to those who are following my blog.

      It would be my sincere desire that the Lord will continue to bless and use each of your writings as an encouragement to one another.

      His servant … Mikey


  10. Praise the LORD!


  11. Visiting your blog brought me nearer my Savior Jesus. It is obvious that Holy Spirit is using you to share him with others. I look forward to more intimate time with him. Thank you for this work.


  12. keijo said:

    SO fantastic the word of God among us to drink and eating with joy and be godly man and woman by the Holy Spirit too in joy and stablize the kingdom with us in power and in wisdom and in love thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden


  13. Keijo,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your comment.


  14. Thanks for checking out my blog! It’s so great to connect with fellow believers 🙂


  15. VaSanganyado said:

    Thank you for following my blog, I enjoyed your work here. I pray I will continue to glean from your great wisdom.


  16. Thank you for your kind words.


  17. What a wonderful post! Your wordings have inspired me so much and have lifted up my spirit. God will help us to stand in HIM and we shall not be distracted IJN.
    Remain blessed!


  18. Thank you for stopping by and for your encouraging words. May the Lord bless you.


  19. There is so much truth that you have shared from the word of God, thank you for the blessing.


  20. Your most welcome. Thanks for stopping by.


  21. Yes, His Eternal Word is the way to the life and the truth. Let’s proclaim it as it is, faithfully and continuously. In order to get our churches filled with truly regenerated “sheep”, not with “goats”.


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